How Long Does A Beard Transplant Take To Heal?

September 15, 2023
September 15, 2023 hairtransplant

How Long Does A Beard Transplant Take To Heal?

Men are becoming more and more interested in sporting a full, manly beard.

Having a beard may enhance your look while also making you feel more youthful and energetic. It goes without saying that not everyone has the ability to grow a full beard in Miami. Fortunately, the beard transplant procedure is performed by the hair restoration experts at our Miami location. Male pattern baldness treatment is based on the same principles as hair restoration for men who are experiencing hair loss.

The best outcomes after surgery are dependent on the quality of the postoperative care. Patients will be required to do a number of tasks after their operation, in addition to attending follow-up appointments at the clinic. Let’s take a quick look at the healing and recuperation process after a beard transplant operation.

What Is A Beard Implant And How Does It Work?

A beard transplant in Miami is exactly what it sounds like: hair is removed from one region of the body and transferred to the jawline and other areas where you want your beard to develop.

Although it seems to be a straightforward procedure, it is really very complex. Generally speaking, a surgeon may adopt one of two approaches:

Extraction of follicular units (FUE). This method involves collecting entire follicular units from the donor region one at a time, in a sequential fashion. FUE is less unpleasant than other surgical procedures, which may explain why it is the most frequently done technique today.

Follicular unit transplantation is a procedure in which a single follicular unit is transplanted into a recipient (FUT). A surgeon uses this technique to remove hair follicles from the back of the head by cutting a tiny strip of tissue from the back of the head.

When numerous hair follicles emerge from the skin by the same exit point, they are known as a follicular unit. It is common for both operations to include harvesting and implanting hair follicle grafts (which may range from 2,000 to 5,000) from the back of the head, which is typically level with your ears or a little lower, on the face.

A graft is a hair follicle that has been surgically implanted.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate For This Type Of Procedure?

It is always advisable to consult with a professional to evaluate whether or not you are a suitable candidate for this kind of treatment. This will provide you with the most accurate information. The back of your head, where the hair follicles are removed, must therefore be healthy in order for you to be able to undergo this procedure successfully.

In order to evaluate whether or not there are enough follicular units to transplant, your transplant surgeon will inspect you and your scalp. If your doctor determines that there aren’t enough hair follicles to harvest, he or she may suggest other therapies.

Healing Process Following Beard Transplant in Miami

Because the face is such a delicate region, beard transplant procedures, which take approximately 3-6 hours, require a long time to recover after being performed. In terms of healing after beard transplantation, the most essential thing to remember is that the first week following the surgery will form the whole process, and that this phase can be easily handled with a few easy steps.

You should avoid strenuous activity for the first three days after the beard transplant surgery. In addition, we may provide the following list of additional precautions to consider:

  • After a beard transplant, you should refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages or smoking for the first three days after the procedure. This will aid in the acceleration of the healing process.
  • It is important to avoid activities that produce excessive perspiration in order to prevent deforming the hair follicles.
  • It is necessary to refrain from wearing clothing that is likely to come into contact with the transplanted grafts, such as turtlenecks and scarves, among other things.
  • Particular attention should be given to the intake of foods from the protein category, particularly vitamins A, E, C, D, B7, and B12, which are particularly noteworthy in terms of their features and benefits.
  • In order to minimize touch with your pillow during your sleep, experts suggest that you sleep on your back.

What Can You Tell Me About The Procedure?

The following is a breakdown of the stages involved in the procedure:


Regardless of whether you’ve selected a FUE or a FUT procedure, your surgeon will begin by shaving the region of your head that will be used for the extraction.

As a result, they may get a better picture of the hair follicles. You will be given a local anesthetic before the harvesting process starts, so that you will not feel the harvesting or the implantation process.


A local anesthetic will be injected into the region of your face where the implants will be put once the follicles have been extracted from your head by the surgeon. In the next step, the surgeon will implant each follicle into your facial skin, allowing you and the doctor to shape your new beard in the manner that you and the doctor decided upon before surgery.


Recovery from the beard implant procedure will take a day or two. Tiny scabs may develop around each freshly implanted hair follicle for a few days after the procedure, but these should fall off within a few days.

After approximately a week to ten days, you should be ready to resume your regular routine daily activities.

With that said, you should be aware that your new beard hairs may begin to fall out after 2 or 3 weeks. This is normal, and new hair should begin to come in to replace the ones that have fallen out.

How Much Time Should I Take Off From Work?

A beard transplant is only effective if the patient devotes sufficient time to recuperation and appropriate treatment after the procedure. Patients may want to consider taking a few days to a week off from work to ensure that they are presentable and that any severe side effects have subsided before returning to work. The consultation procedure will allow us to give a more accurate estimate of the length of time you will need to be absent from your job throughout your recovery.

After Care For A Beard Transplant in Miami

The following are the factors to consider while caring for your beard after a beard transplant:

  • It is not recommended to shave the beard with a razor for the first 6 months after having a beard transplant performed on your face.
  • When it comes to beard maintenance, chemical items should be avoided. Using products that contain an excessive amount of chemicals may be detrimental to your beard.
  • Consuming vitamins and minerals that are excellent for hair are also good for beards, and vice versa. In general, taking good care of your health, taking vitamin supplements, eating regularly and nutritiously, and abstaining from drinking and smoking help your beard to grow better and quicker following beard transplanting.
  • It is not recommended to wash your face with high-pressure water. Warm water should be used to wash your face to avoid irritation. During the drying process, avoid rubbing your face too hard. It is important to use a soft towel to dry your clothes.

Maintain The Cleanliness Of The Surgical Sites.

Maintaining the cleanliness of the patient’s face and the donor site on the scalp is critical in order to prevent infection and other potentially harmful side effects after the procedure. As part of your post-operative care routine, be sure to follow the cleaning recommendations given by your surgeon. A topical antibacterial ointment should be used as recommended to aid in the healing process.

After surgery, be sure to sleep flat on your back rather than on your stomach or on your side for the following few days to avoid complications. Keep your head up with a couple of cushions to assist in the recovery process.

What Is The Best Way To Tell If A Beard Implant Is A Success?

Regardless of the method used, the transplanted hair follicles should be established and developed within 3 to 4 months, depending on the technique used.

At 8 or 9 months, you will know that the beard implant procedure was effective if your beard has grown in completely and is as healthy as if it had been there from the beginning.

While both FUE and FUT may create beards that are natural-looking, FUT beards tend to be fuller in appearance.

This is due to the fact that when a strip of skin is removed, more follicles are often extracted. If you want a thicker-looking beard, FUT may be a good option for you.

Failure of a beard transplant is very uncommon, and it is almost always the consequence of incorrect harvesting from the donor site. This is why it is critical to select a hair restoration surgeon who has extensive expertise and is worth the additional expense.

Hair Regrowth

The follicles that were transplanted into your beard will begin to grow again about four months following the transplant. The growth will seem natural, and you will have a beard that is thick, full, and well-styled as a result.

Common Side Effects and How to Manage Them

After having a beard transplant, the following are some of the most common side effects:

  • Itching and irritation
  • Swelling in the vicinity of treated regions
  • Soreness in the face and on the head
  • Redness on the face and scalp
  • A feeling of tightness in the face and scalp
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Scabbing and crusting are just temporary.

Patients should see a reduction in adverse effects from day to day, with swelling and redness decreasing by the end of a week. Patients should refrain from picking at any scabs or crusts that develop since they are a normal part of the healing process.

Avoiding Certain Activities After a Beard Transplant in Miami

After having beard transplant surgery, you should refrain from engaging in the following activities unless otherwise instructed by your doctor:

  • Making contact with, rubbing, and scratching the insides of your chin and cheeks
  • Direct sunlight exposure on your face or scalp is not recommended.
  • Physical activity that is strenuous or vigorous
  • The use of blood thinners or other medicines of a similar kind
  • Tobacco smoking and the usage of tobacco products are prohibited.
  • Consumption of alcoholic drinks
  • Swimming
  • Taking use of hot baths
  • Using steam rooms or saunas

Shaving After A Beard Transplant Procedure

Patients may resume shaving the additional hair about 10 days following the operation without fear of damaging the donor hair follicles, which is a relief for many. Remember to be patient with yourself since your face may be feeling a little sensitive or tender.

Temporary Loss Of Donor Hair

The donor hair will begin to come out about two to three weeks after the beard transplant procedure. This is a normal occurrence. When conventional hair transplant surgery is performed, the patient experiences the same abrupt loss of hair. Eventually, the hair will regrow, which will aid in the filling out of your beard.


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